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Digital Haikus - A geeky way to write your name
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Digital Haiku

I found this nice piece of code written by David (someone). Then I tried to do one myself (my name is Stefan), but it was not that easy since I had one more letter to squeeze out of the 32-bit integer (actually two letters since no letter occured more than once) and I didn't want to do it the easy way as David did it. It was fun to do and the result is beautiful but that rather depends on how you define beautiful, doesn't it?

The task is simple. Write your name in an obscure way using ansi c. The entire poem should be hard to understand, fit into 80 characters and go against all good programming standards. The special digital haiku form is the main->putchar->main - form which can be seen in the examples below but there could be exceptions to this if it's beautiful enough.


DAVID (the original)
Author: David (someone, I have lost the name)
Description: The simplest of methods. Stores all the characters in the integer (at least the 5 important bits of each character). This method works for all names less than 7 characters long.
Characters stored: 'D' 'I' 'V' 'A' 'D' (five bits of each)

main(i){putchar( 340056100>> (i-1) * 5&31 | !!(i<6) <<6 ) && main(++i);}

Author: Stefan Hellkvist
Description: A more complicated way. Uses the fact that T is S+1 and F is E+1 so a one is added to the previos character every second character with the exception of the last character.
Characters stored: 'N' 'A' 'E' 'S' (all eight bits of each character)


Author: Magnus Ljung
Description: Uses the fact that some differences between characters are 7.
Characters stored: 'S' 'G' 'A' 'M' (all eight bits)


STEFAN (yet another)
Author: Stefan Hellkvist (sort of)
Description: Same method as in David above
Characters stored: 'N' 'A' 'F' 'E' 'T' 'S' (Five bits of each)


Author: Stefan Hellkvist
Description: A simple second degree equation
Characters stored: None (sort of)


Author: Emil Brink
Description: A variant of same principle
Characters stored:
