Joined: 12 Jul 2005 Posts: 5
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:30 pm Post subject: |
.filter was created in cPanel and the contents are;
Code: |
$header_to: begins "p-"+++++++|/home/my_user/.procmailrc
Ran Filter Test via cPanal and the resultes were;
Code: |
Filter Trace Results:
Condition is true: $header_to: begins p-
Return-path copied from sender
Sender = my_user@server.host.com
Recipient = my_user@server.host.com
Testing Exim filter file "/etc/vfilters/domain.com"
Pipe message to: /home/my_user/.procmailrc
Filtering set up at least one significant delivery or other action.
No other deliveries will occur.
.procmailrc contents;
Code: |
| /home/my_user/recmail.pl
recmail.pl contents;
Code: |
use DBI;
$driver ="mysql";
$user = "my_user";
$password = "my_pass";
$munpack = "/usr/bin/munpack";
$msgstore = "/home/my_user/public_html/msgstore";
$reldir = "msgstore";
umask( 0 );
while ( $line = <STDIN> )
@tmp = split( ": ", $line );
if ( lc($tmp[0]) eq "to" )
chop( $tmp[1] );
$to = $tmp[1];
elsif ( lc($tmp[0]) eq 'from' )
chop( $tmp[1] );
$from = $tmp[1];
elsif ( lc($tmp[0]) eq 'subject' )
chop( $tmp[1] );
$subject = $tmp[1];
elsif ( lc($tmp[0]) eq 'content-type' )
$dsn = "DBI:$driver:database='my_user'_psaur;host=localhost";
$dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $user, $password );
$id = isValid( $to, $from ) || die( "Not a valid user $to $from" );
$time = time();
$dirname = $msgstore . "/" . $$ . "_" . $time . "_email";
mkdir( $dirname, 0775 );
open(UNPACK,"| $munpack -q -C $dirname > $dirname/info.txt 2> /dev/null" )
|| die( "Could not start unpacker program");
print( UNPACK $line );
while ( $line = <STDIN> )
print( UNPACK $line );
close( UNPACK );
$info = $dirname . '/info.txt';
open( INFO, $info ) || die( "Could not open info file [$!]" );
$size = 0;
while ( $line = <INFO> )
@tmp = split( " ", $line );
$tmp[1] = substr( $tmp[1], 1, length($tmp[1])-2 );
$content{$tmp[0]} = $tmp[1];
= stat( $dirname . "/" . $tmp[0] );
$size += $blksize * $blocks;
$content_size{$tmp[0]} = $size;
close( INFO );
$mid = storeMessage( $to, $id, $subject, int( $size / 1024 ) );
foreach $file ( keys(%content) )
storeContent( $mid, $file, $content{$file}, $content_size{$file} );
$txt = getTextForMid( $mid );
if ( length( $txt ) > 0 )
setTextForMid( $mid, $txt );
sub storeContent
($mid, $file, $type, $size) = @_;
$fname = $reldir . "/" . $$ . "_" . $time . "_email/". $file;
$query = "INSERT INTO content VALUES " .
"(NULL, $mid, '$type', '$fname', $size )";
chmod( 0775, $msgstore . "/" . $$ . "_" . $time . "_email/". $fname );
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || die;
sub setTextForMid
( $mid, $txt ) = @_;
$txt = $dbh->quote( $txt );
$query = "UPDATE messages SET textmsg=$txt WHERE id=$mid";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || die;
sub getTextForMid
($mid) = @_;
$query = "SELECT fname FROM content WHERE mid=$mid && ".
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || die;
if ( @row = $sth->fetchrow() )
$fname = $row[0];
open( TXTFILE, $msgstore . "/../" . $fname );
@content = <TXTFILE>;
$txt = join('', @content);
return $txt;
return "";
sub storeMessage
($to, $sid, $subject, $size ) = @_;
$subject = $dbh->quote($subject);
$to = $dbh->quote($to);
$query = "INSERT INTO messages VALUES " .
"(NULL, $sid, 1, $to, $subject, NOW(), 'email', '', 0, 0, '', 0 )";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || die;
$query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM messages";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || die;
@row = $sth->fetchrow();
$id = $row[0];
$query = "UPDATE users SET nkbytes=nkbytes+$size, ".
" lastupload=NOW(), ".
" nuploads=nuploads+1 WHERE id=$sid";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || die;
return $id;
#to-address is on form p-<number>@domain.com
#from-address is on form <MSISDN>@domain.com
sub isValid
($to, $from) = @_;
$end = index( $to, "@" );
$start = index( $to, "p-" );
$pwd = substr( $to, $start + 2, $end - $start - 2 );
@froms = split( "@", $from );
$msisdn = $froms[0];
if ( ($index = index( $msisdn, "<" )) >= 0 )
$msisdn = substr( $msisdn, $index + 1 );
$query = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE phonepwd='$pwd'";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || die;
$id = 0;
if ( @row = $sth->fetchrow() )
$id = $row[0];
$id || die( "msisdn is $msisdn and pwd is $pwd" );
return $id;
The three files have 777 properties and are located in;
The domain local default email address is;
When a user sends email to;
The email just sits in the box of the my_user account.
Is a .forward with the contents needed as seen in another thread?;
Also in no log file can be found in;
Is there something missing? |