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Bernhard Goodwin Guest
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:15 am Post subject: tackling utf-16 |
With the help of unicode.org and wikipedia I have tried to tackle utf-16-Conversion into utf-8:
I have added in diarylib.php
Code: |
function lookup( $thisChar ) {
//first call: only 16 Bit provided
if (strlen ($thisChar) == 2) {
// transform into a value:
// if bin11011xxx xxxxxxxx: lookup needs a surrogate char
if (($thisCharVal&0xD800)==0xD800) $result="more!";
// if bin00000000 00xxxxxx: utf8-char is the utf16 lower byte
if ($thisCharVal<0x80)
// utf16 has to be translated into utf-8
else {
// number of bytes to write is dependent on the value
// also the Mask for the last (i.e. first) char is set
if ($thisCharVal<0x800) {$bytesNum=2; $mark=0xC0;}
else {$bytesNum=3; $mark=0xE0;}
// Result-String is created
for ( $i = 0; $i < ($bytesNum-1); $i++ ){
// every char is bin 10xxxxxx
$result = chr(($thisCharVal | 0x80) & 0xBF).$result;
// shift down 6 Bit.
$thisCharVal >>=6;
// 2 Bytes: the last (i.e. first) char is only 5 Bits left
// it is marked with 110xxxxx
// 3 Bytes: the last (i.e. first) char is only 4 Bits left
// it is marked with 1110xxxx
$result = chr($thisCharVal | $mark).$result;
// return $result
return $result;
// second call: 32 Bit provided
if (strlen ($thisChar) == 4) {
// transform low surrogate (2nd char) into a value:
// transform high surrogate (1st char) into a value:
// check for correct values / check whether the mark is correct
if ((($lowSurrogateVal&0xDC00)==0xDC00) &&
(($highSurrogateVal&0xD800)==0xD800)) {$result="false!";return $result;}
// High-Surrogate (U+D800 ... U+DBFF)
// |15 8|7 0|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |1 1 0 1 1 0 Z Z|Z Z x x x x x x|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// Low-Surrogate (U+DC00 ... U+DFFF)
// |15 8|7 0|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |1 1 0 1 1 1 y y|y y y y y y y y|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// UTF-32:
// 31 24|23 16|15 8|7 0|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|0 0 0 z z z z z|x x x x x x y y|y y y y y y y y|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// with zzzzz = ZZZZ+1
// translate surrogate-pair into utf-32
// Delete the Markers
$lowSurrogateVal -= 0xDC00;
$highSurrogateVal -= 0xD800;
// add 1 to ZZZZ i.e. add 64 to lowSurrogate
$highSurrogateVal += 64;
// shift the xxxxxx
$highSurrogateVal <<= 10;
// combine high and low
$thisCharVal = $lowSurrogateVal + $highSurrogateVal ;
// four bytes to write
for ( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++ ){
// every char is bin 10xxxxxx
$result = chr(($thisCharVal | 0x80) & 0xBF).$result;
// shift down 6 Bit.
$thisCharVal >>=6;
// the last (i.e. first) char is only 3 Bits left
// it is marked with 11110xxx
$result = chr($thisCharVal | 0xE0).$result;
//if neither of the two condition is filled the input was wrong
else $result="false!";
return $result;
Lookup is used by the function text-decode:
Code: |
function text_decode( $text ) {
// Nokia sends text in UTF-16 encoding.
// this transforms UTF16 into UTF8
// for Conversions to other Charsets use e.g.
// http://unix.freshmeat.net/projects/convertcharacterset/
//UTF-16 comes in different Byte orders:
//It starts with 0xFFFE or 0xFEFF depending on byte order
//UTF-16BE (Big Endian)
if ( ord( $text{0} ) == 0xff &&
ord( $text{1} ) == 0xfe ){
for ( $i = 2; $i < strlen( $text ); $i += 2 ){
// translate the current character
$curchar = lookup($text{$i}.$text{$i+1});
// there has been an error with the length
if ($i+1==strlen($text)) {$result = "I couldn't decode text:\n".
"Wrong length of the text";break;}
// lookup gives "more!" back if it needs a surrogate char
if ($curchar == "more!") {
// there has been an error with the length (Missing surrogate char)
if ($i+4<strlen($text)) {$result = "I couldn't decode text:\n".
"Wrong length of the text";break;}
// surrogate char is the next two bytes
$curchar = lookup($text{$i}.$text{$i+1}.$text{$i+2}.$text{$i+3});
// counter is incremented extra
// there has been an error with lookup:
if ($curchar == "false!") {$result = "I couldn't decode text:\n".
"An error with lookup()";break;}
// curchar is added to the resultstring
$result .= $curchar;
return $result;
//UTF-16LE (Little Endian) (lowerbyte is second byte)
if ( ord( $text{0} ) == 0xfe &&
ord( $text{1} ) == 0xff ) {
for ( $i = 2; $i < strlen( $text ); $i += 2 ){
// translate the current character
$curchar = lookup($text{$i+1}.$text{$i});
// there has been an error with the length
if ($i+1==strlen($text)) {$result = "I couldn't decode text:\n".
"Wrong length of the text";break;}
// lookup gives "more!" back if it needs a surrogate char
if ($curchar == "more!") {
// there has been an error with the length (Missing surrogate char)
if ($i+4<strlen($text)) {$result = "I couldn't decode text:\n".
"Wrong length of the text";break;}
// surrogate char is the next two bytes
$curchar = lookup($text{$i+1}.$text{$i}.$text{$i+3}.$text{$i+2});
// counter is incremented extra
// there has been an error with lookup:
if ($curchar == "false!") {$result = "I couldn't decode text:\n".
"An error with lookup()";break;}
// curchar is added to the resultstring
$result .= $curchar;
return $result;
return $text;
This implementation is rather long. It surely can be much shorter, but I wanted it to be understandable.
http://www.BeGood.de |
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Bernhard Goodwin Guest
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:59 pm Post subject: Improvements |
Ive kicked the lookup function and made the code a little bit shorter:
Code: |
function text_decode( $text ) {
// Nokia sends text in UTF-16 encoding.
// this transforms UTF16 into UTF8
// for Conversions to other Charsets use e.g.
// http://unix.freshmeat.net/projects/convertcharacterset/
$textLen=strlen( $text );
// a UTF-16-String has to have an even number of bytes
if ( ($textLen&0x01) != 0x00) return $text;
//UTF-16 comes in different Byte orders:
//It starts with 0xFFFE or 0xFEFF depending on byte order
//UTF-16BE (Big Endian)
//byte-order is given here (for the max of 4 Byte)
if ( ord( $text{0} ) == 0xff &&
ord( $text{1} ) == 0xfe )
//UTF-16LE (Little Endian) (lowerbyte is second byte)
else if ( ord( $text{0} ) == 0xfe &&
ord( $text{1} ) == 0xff )
// we assume it's not utf-16 if it doesn't start with 0xFFFE or 0xFEFF
else return $text;
// if the last char of the String is a low surrogate
// the high surrogate is missing: not valid utf-16
if (($text{$textLen-2+$bo[0]}&0xD8) == 0xD8) return $text;
for ( $i = 2; $i < strlen( $text ); $i += 2 ){
// ResultString for this Char is created
// if bin110110xx [xxxxxxxx]: we need a surrogate char
if ( ($text{$i+$bo[0]}&0xD8) == 0xD8 ) {
// check whether next char is a valid low surrogate
// i.e. bin110111xx [xxxxxxxx] -> Invalid Value is set
if ( ($text{$i+$bo[3]}&0xDC) != 0xDC ) $curChar=0x110000;
else {
// surrogate char is the next two bytes
// it is transformed into utf-32 at once
// delete the markers for the surrogate pair
// high surrogate
$text{$i+$bo[1]} &= 0x03;
// low surrogate
$text{$i+$bo[3]} &= 0x03;
// basis: low surrogate
// then add high surrogate
// and correction of the value:
$curChar = ( ord($text{$i+$bo[2]}) ) +
( ord($text{$i+$bo[3]}) << 8 ) +
( ord($text{$i+$bo[0]}) << 10 ) +
( ord($text{$i+$bo[1]}) << 18 ) +
// counter is incremented extra
/* translate the current character */
$curChar = ord($text{$i+$bo[0]})+
// number of bytes to write is dependent on the value
// also the mark for the last (i.e. first) char is set
if ($curChar<0x80) {$bytesNum=1; $mark=0x00;}
else if ($curChar<0x800) {$bytesNum=2; $mark=0xC0;}
else if ($curChar<0x10000) {$bytesNum=3; $mark=0xE0;}
else if ($curChar<0x110000) {$bytesNum=4; $mark=0xF0;}
else $res="_";
// each utf-8 surrogate byte is bin 10xxxxxx
switch ($bytesNum) { /* note: everything falls through. */
case 4: { $res = chr(($curChar | 0x80) & 0xBF).$res ; $curChar >>= 6; }
case 3: { $res = chr(($curChar | 0x80) & 0xBF).$res ; $curChar >>= 6; }
case 2: { $res = chr(($curChar | 0x80) & 0xBF).$res ; $curChar >>= 6; }
// last (i.e. first) utf-8-char is marked for beginning of sequence
// or not (if $bytesNum=1 than $mark=0x00)
case 1: $res = chr(($curChar | $mark) ).$res ; }
// curchar is added to the resultstring
$result .= $res;
return $result;
All I've posted here of course is GNU.
The function short/without comments is only 40 lines. I think thats OK.
http://www.BeGood.de |
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Peffis Site Admin
Joined: 09 Sep 2003 Posts: 324 Location: Sweden
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:20 pm Post subject: |
Cool Bernard! Thanks for the information and feedback! |
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