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Another feature request....

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Joined: 17 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 9:22 pm    Post subject: Another feature request.... Reply with quote

I'll try to explain....

This is a problem I ran into: I really like the community of peffis.com. Especially for posting pictures I consider worth looking at. But since peffisaur 0.9 is released, I'm running my own site, somedays posting several photo's an hour. Most of these foto's are only interesting for my close friends. If I want to post one of these photo's also to peffis.com, I have to change the settings in my phone (and send the photo's twice).

For sending the foto's with my phone by MMS, I have to specify a recipient. This recipient isn't used by Peffisaur. But I think it would be nice if the recipient were some kind of alias. For example sending the MMS to recipient A only puts the picture on peffis.com, sending MMS to recipient B, (re)posting it also to my own site, and for recipient C, (re)posting it to still another site.... etc.

I wonder if it's clear what I'm trying to explain..... Maybe.


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 7:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought about the exact same thing only yesterday! I have the very same “problem” and I think it would be a great feature.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 8:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm no coder, but I think there could be some rule in send.php e.g. when Recipient is a phone number don't do anything else, but when Recipient is an e-mail address, peffisaur also mails the message to this e-mail address. If this e-mail address is the address used in the e-mail functionallity on another peffisaur site, the message will also be displayed on that site, if this address is a 'normal' e-mail address, the message will be delivered to the person this address belongs to!
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 11:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting. I once actually tried a repost mechanism in mms diary because I ran peffis.com secretly for a few friends only and my other diary publicly for anyone interested. So I tried reposting everything actually from one send.php to the other. There was a security permission thingy. I think most php installations have disabled this feature so that you cannot access http servers outside your own server. But I suppose that is easy to solve.

As for a special to-address to send to I think that could be arranged so that it resposts the message to another portal when the special address is found - even several could be used of course (you edit a list of forwarders in your preferences).

As for the email-forwarding method, although it is very elegant and solves it without much altering of the code (it's not so hard to send out an email with all the attachments), I am sceptical. In practice I would turn peffis.com into an open mail relay for anyone who could encode the message as an MMS. One option of course is to only relay messages to certain addresses but in a way - that gives us almost the same complexity as the first solution.

I will think about it and come up with something hopefully. I have just been too busy the last month or so travelling around so I haven't had much time to do anything at all on peffisaur. I will though. After middle of October things look much better for me so I will have a life again Smile

Feedback from users is a strong motivation. Thanks for that!!
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 12:20 pm    Post subject: Open Mail Relay Reply with quote

Good point about the open mail relay. I didn't think about the possibility of abusing peffisaur in this way Sad
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 9:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm.. I did (kinda) fixed that request. The same situation as allways:
Arnix & SanderB visit a bar, Arnix likes feature, SanderB gets enthusiastic, and starts workin on it (af

As I did it now:
    - the send.php checks for the presence of an email adress in the recipient list,
    - puts in comma's between the recipients (Nokia likes to glue em together)
    - creates an email message, with the picture as attachment
    - checks wether the IP adress of the phone/sender (dunno if that's secure enough) validates with the hardcoded one in send.php
    - sends email message to recipient list
    - proceeds with the normal send.php duties.

The only problem i'm running into, is that the phone (even tho its send succesfully), times out: It says it 'll send the message again in a few minutes. So if you dont pay attention, the phone will attempt to post the message 3 times, and you've got 3 postings..

I wondered if that had to do with the time the send.php takes to excute?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 9:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Arnix & SanderB visit a bar, Arnix likes feature, SanderB gets enthusiastic"

And both get drunk.......
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

damn.. why did I mention the 'visit bar'-part Shocked
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hehe, I wish I could take part in the getting drunk part of that feature request and not the implementation part Smile

But it sounds cool. I don't know really why the phone does a retry. It could be that it times out somehow. Does the request to the server terminate properly by sending back a m-send.conf of right content-type or is there no reply or does it contain error messages? Perhaps it is the time it takes. Perhaps one can think of some way to start a background thread that does the email forwarding, therefore returning sooner?

Another option for security is to have a list of allowed email-addresses perhaps. That would definitely limit spam but unfortunately it also limits freedom of the user. It's a pity you always have to consider people with evil intent. Would be so much easier if everyone was friendly, held hands, lived in peace, and hugged eachother every day Smile

I will be gone for a week now unfortunately (will go to Malaysia for work). I'm looking forward to catch up with any feature request that might come out of any drinking session in that bar of yours Smile Take care!

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 11:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It sounds like it's time to get the act together and release another version of Peffisaur soon. I have made some fixes here and there so it's time anyway. If it's ok with you Sander I can put in your email stuff in the coming release. The "security" hard-coded ip-address of the sender might be ok as a security meassure...I think...but the hard-coded ip-address cannot be in send.php for Peffisaur. It should be a preference that each user can set so it should be in the database.

But that will be when I get home again...
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